Right turn at the major intersection (With Greenlight)

When examiner command you to make a right turn at the intersection

  1. Lane change to the right in advance when approaching the intersection, and if you have right turn lane scan, then check (mirrors, signal, blind spot) and then go to the right turn lane.
  2. Reduce speed to 20 km then enter the intersection as the first car scan for cars and pedestrians.
  3. Yield to oncoming pedestrians. ( you have the right of way over vehicles at a right turn on green)
  4. When there is no pedestrian in or near intersection steer your car to the maximum right lane (always watch for cyclists on the sidewalk )
  5. Accelerate and recover steering and stay in the right lane.

Right turn at major intersection (With Redlight)

  1. Lane change to the right in advance when approaching the intersection, and if you have right turn lane scan, then check (mirrors, signal, blind spot) and then go to the right turn lane.
  2. Full stop the car behind white line check left right left.
  3. Yield to pedestrians and oncoming cars.
  4. When there are no pedestrians and cars near the intersection, steer your vehicle to the first right lane.
  5. Accelerate and recover steering and stay in the right lane.


  • On the test, when turning right on the red light, have full stop and don’t roll.   
  • Check for pedestrians from both sides of the road.
  • When you are turning on the red light, there should be no vehicles on all lanes of the road, and it is not enough that your path is empty because cars on the other lane can lane change on come to your lane.