Lane Change

The examiner will ask you to change the lane several times during the test. They usually give enough time to do your lane changes and remember to avoid rush lane change, and all decisions for change lanes must be taken in advance.

  1. Look ahead and be sure the lane you want to change into is clear.
  2. Check the rearview mirror for vehicles inside the lane are not too close, and they are not speeding up. Have at least three car distances (around 20 meters) from the cars you want to go to in their line.
  3. Speed up (not over the speed limit) or maintain your speed. Never slow down or brake when changing lane.
  4. Checking:  Mirrors, signal, blind spot.
  5. Aim and then drive into selected lane-keep signalling until you are completely in the lane.
  6. Straighten your car and your steering wheel.
  7. Cancel signal and speed with the flow of traffic.


On the test, you should always be in the right lane (keep Right)

Avoid extra lane change unless the examiner commands you to change lane always stay in the right lane.

If there is an obstacle in the right lane, change lane to the left and then go back to the right lane again (always keep right)

When the examiner commands you to change lane if the vehicle in the other lane suddenly speeds up and getting close to you, tell the examiner it is not safe for changing lane.

On multilane streets, do one change lane at a time. For example,  If your roadway has three lanes for each lane change, do one checking (m.s.b.).

During the test, examiners never want you to do unsafe action; therefore, if for any reason you feel it not safe to do something, tell them it is not safe now.

Look for a good gap between cars before starting lane changing.

Do not slow down during the lane change and do not use brake when changing lane.