
How to use this website.

G1 Menu:

Give you general information for getting your G1 Licence in Ontario, like what document you will need or where you can find questions and answers G1 written test online

G2 test Menu:

On the G2 test, you have to complete eight commands to get your G2 license. On G2 Menu, you will get step-by-step explanations of how to do these eight actions in the ways examiners want for the test.

G test Menu:

On the G test, you have to do everything you have done on the G2 test plus entering and exiting on the freeway. The only difference is on the G test; examiners want emergency parking instead of the park on the hill. Always remember, on the G2 test, examiners look at you as new drivers (they are more lenient usually), but on the G test, they look at you as an experienced driver. (You should be near perfect on the command of the car and obeying rules and regulations).

Drive Test Centers Menu:

You will get two drive test centers at the present time, one in Toronto (Downsview) and one in GTA (Newmarket). You have five routes on every drive test menu, three for the G2 test and two for the G full test. (G2 residential routes can be used for G full tests too).

On every drive test center sub-menu, you will have two maps, one motion map, and one video.
On videos:

Commands of examiners are in red boxes.

Information and details are in yellow boxes

Advice and tips are in green boxes.

Tips Menu:

On the Tip sub-menu, you will get tips for you and your vehicle to prepare for the test.

Common mistake sub-menu:

On the common mistake sub menu, you get the five most common mistakes that 90 percent of applicants fail.